SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our learning community. More details
Ark Academy exists to Maximize God-given Potential
A bridge from short-term, small thinking to eternal, infinite reward
Ark Academy Taipei 成立於 2020 年,位於信義安和社區,是一個以基督為中心的英語小學和協會支持的學齡前共學團體(計劃到 2024-2025 年擴展到初中和高中)通過成熟和創新的方式為家庭提供服務蒙特梭利和阿克頓學院等方法。
Ark 希望學習者以最重要的方式通過快樂、健康、加速的學習來追求世界級的卓越和在基督和社區中的親密關係:學會學習,學會做事,學會做人。
Founders' Welcome Letter
Dear Families,
We warmly welcome you to Ark Academy Taipei!
In 2019, we started looking around for a school for our oldest daughter and soon found there wasn't a super ideal choice that could blend Christ-centered, healthy, joyful learning with Christ-glorifying, world class excellence, and one that felt realistically in touch with where the future is going.
We welcome you to explore:
Elementary School Program
Preschool Age Learning Playgroup
Parent & Child Classes
To learn more, message us on LINE:
Why Ark?
Christ-Centered in the Modern World
Capable & Caring Staff and Acton Guides
Immersive English Environment with Grounded, Hybrid Local & International Culture
New & Safe Facilities, including Top University Sports Facilities
Pursuit of Excellence via Proven Methods in Montessori and Acton Academy
Ark Academy Taipei at a Glance
Intro Video to Ark's preschool age association run learning playgroup:
Contact Us
No. 270-1, Wenchang Street
DaAn District, Taipei City
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 5:30 pm